Early in 2012, a comedy news show called SourceFed premiered on YouTube. I've been a fan ever since. That's all.
Okay, that's not all.
In September, the streak of funny and informative episodes was interrupted by something unexpected and different. That something was called Benjamin Franklin: Time Traveler.
It starred SourceFed hosts Steve Zaragoza and Lee Newton, was purposefully bizarre, made very little sense, and...a lot of people didn't like it. But I loved it and it stuck with me.
Months later, after finishing a project with the amazing America Young (which will go online very soon), I wanted to work on something smaller before taking on another lengthy project and I knew what I was going to make.
Back in the late 80s/early 90s, a bunch of big movies (Ghostbusters, Back to the Future, Bill & Ted, Beetlejuice, etc.) had Saturday morning cartoons. My plan? Animate an intro to Benjamin Franklin: Time Traveler as if it were a Saturday morning cartoon.
It took longer than expected, but I got it done.
After completing it, I took a shot and sent a few emails. To my surprise, the video made it to the SouceFed office. Even more mind-blowing? I heard directly from Steve Zaragoza himself! He wrote to let me know that he and everyone in the office loved it.
I sure didn't expect that level of awesomeness from a quick little side project. I love it!
Enough of my word-babbling, here's what I made. Hope you like it!